In this video interview from Pittcon, we ask Christopher Palmer about developing novel polymeric materials for microscale liquid phase separations, as well as some of the current trends and challenges ...
With a new polymer that only attracts certain substances from solutions when electrically activated, researchers have taken a ...
A research team based in Bochum and Mülheim is using a new type of salt to specifically produce one of two possible ...
In scenarios where two mirror-image molecules are possible, special catalysts are required to produce only the desired one. A ...
halogens, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur). Originally limited to the study of compounds produced by living organisms, organic chemistry has been broadened to include human-made substances (e.g., plastics ...
When chlorine (as a gas or dissolved in water) is added to sodium bromide solution, the chlorine takes the place of the bromine. Because chlorine is more reactive than bromine, it displaces ...
When the alkali metals react with the different halogens (Group 7 of the periodic table), the group of compounds formed are known as the alkali metals halides. Due to the fact that there are a ...