The gray whales are on their annual migration path between breeding grounds in Mexico and feeding grounds off the coast of ...
As migrating gray whales are spotted off the Ventura coast, teams in Southern California have so far counted a record low number.
The California sunshine returned after a cold and rainy week, just in time for the 54th annual Festival of Whales held at the ...
Oregon State Parks will host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast from March 22-30, Oregon Parks and Recreation ...
DEPOE BAY, Ore. — Spring Whale Watch Week returns later this March on the Oregon coast. Oregon State Parks will host the event, which runs Saturday, March 22 through Sunday, March 30.
“The Festival of Whales is always the first weekend in March, and it is a celebration of the migration of California gray ...
Oregon State Parks is set to host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast from Saturday, March 22, through Sunday, ...
Thousands of gray whales swim past Ventura each year on their southbound and northbound migration On the southbound trip this year, one longtime Southern California count reported fewer whales and ...
they may not have enough nutrition stored up for the migration or to sustain a pregnancy, biologists said. In 2016, NOAA estimated the size of the eastern North Pacific gray whale population to ...