The General Services Administration, landlord for federal government, said Tuesday it planned to sell more than 440 buildings ...
Three notable buildings in Houston are on the chopping block, although the original list of targeted buildings was deleted.
Edgar Hoover Building, which serves as FBI headquarters, the Robert F ... state funding uncertainties Federal and state ...
The General Services Administration says 443 buildings are "not core to government operations and can therefore be sold off." ...
The Trump administration identified more than 440 federal buildings for potential sale, including the FBI headquarters, ...
"We’re going to stop it. We’re not going to let that happen," the president said. It was inevitable, but now it's official: President Donald Trump has called off the FBI's headquarters project ...
When FBI agents arrived at the place where a victim was being held for ransom, one agent fired two rounds, killing the man, who was blindfolded at the time.