Mitch McConnell ... Even more pertinently, McConnell sits at the center of the founding myth of Trumpism, which states that before 2015, the GOP had “conserved” nothing, accomplished nothing ...
Thanks for nothing, Mitch. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” McConnell could pull a surprise ending to his career. If his conscience is finally catching up with him he could switch ...
After 40 years in Washington, McConnell walks away with his legacy in doubt because of GOP surrender to Trump.
Refers to the latest 2 years of stories. Cancel anytime. Congratulations former Senate leader Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, on your retirement. You are leaving quite the ...
One of my favorite moments of Mitch McConnell ... McConnell sits at the center of the founding myth of Trumpism, which states that before 2015, the GOP had conserved nothing, accomplished ...
Mitch McConnell stood on the floor of the U.S. Senate ... a Republican in Name Only. Your reputation has nothing left to lose, but so much to gain from a grateful 48 percent of the nation that ...
Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky ... This was McConnell’s ultimate triumph — one that had nothing to do with Trump’s political instincts and everything to do with McConnell’s years-long plot ...
Senator Mitch McConnell ... I expected just as much; McConnell famously avoids hallway interviews with the Capitol press, walking blankly through our questions, offering nothing that can be ...