Intruder proof hedges are a fantastic way to add an extra layer of home security. Laden with thorny stems and dense foliage, they act as an effective deterrent to unwanted visitors, but there is ...
Camellias make wonderful flowering hedges, providing dense evergreen screening year-round and bursts of color at certain windows in the growing season While commonly recognized for their bold ...
Hedge funds often have high fees ... If you don't understand the strategy or aren't comfortable reading the often dense legal documents or auditor reports, then you should probably walk away.
A small tree which if left to grow will reach a height of 85ft (26m). - Makes an excellent dense deciduous hedge if regularly clipped. Trim in July. - Prefers sun or partial shade. - The leaves ...
Roses probably don’t come to mind but there are tough, shrubby varieties like Panarosa roses that can be planted as dense hedges, and with enough thorns to discourage any unwanted visitors.