When the cuckoo chick hatches ... the provider is a reed warbler, a common host. Franka Slothouber, a retired photo editor who’s an avid wildlife photographer, observed the birds’ behavior ...
The species chosen by the cuckoo for this nannying job are widely varied, but over eighty percent of the foster parents are made up of reed warblers, meadow pipits and dunnocks. It may just be an ...
A major habitat creation and stewardship project is continuing to encourage the long-term habitat for species of rare birds ...
Spring bird migration has been described as the great rush north with birds racing back to their favoured northerly breeding ...
You can choose from nightingale, skylark, song thrush, wood warbler, wren, pied flycatcher, cuckoo and yellowhammer. Get ready to play your chosen birdsong when signalled, near the end of the ...