A new iteration of the classic variety show Kids Say the Darndest Things, hosted by Tiffany Haddish. The hilarious reimagined format showcases a mix of in-studio segments and taped pieces from ...
"ok this is getting ridiculous. it can't just be the one guy. it's gotta be a group of people pooping my son's diaper" ...
Young people can say and do the smartest and darndest things if you care enough to listen and observe. They possess wisdom that many adults don’t always notice or give kids proper credit for.
Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. Although Twitter has rebranded to X, the ...
Kids Say the Funniest Things was a Comedy show in the United Kingdom based on the United States show Kids Say the Darndest Things, produced by LWT for ITV from 27 December 1998 to 1 October 2000.
Nicholas *** two by four. It was Art linkletter who said kids say the darndest things. You must have been listening to them telling Santa Claus their Christmas list. *** *** reindeer mouse trap ...