In my lab we use mathematics, computers, and data collected in the field or experimental model systems to figure out why species go extinct and how best to maintain biodiversity.
The Ecology and Evolution concentration affords biology majors opportunity to specialize in ecology ... quantitative reasoning, data analysis, and scientific communication. Students also will have ...
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ecology and Evolutionary ... to pursue graduate school (biology, medical, dental, law), and careers in research, science education, wildlife biology, ...
This approach has led to a staggering amount of data ... biology for the importance of defining a succession of physiological states in that process, and on evolutionary biology and ecology ...
Your classes will give you a strong foundation in basic science, including biology, chemistry and math, before you move on to classes specific to your major, such as managing wildlife populations, ...
The Ecology Track provides students with the knowledge, experience, and skills sought after by graduate programs and companies and organizations that carry out ecological research, field biology, and ...
They learn about the scientific method and how to analyze data, and they develop ... general and organic chemistry, general biology, general physics, ecology, and math classes, such as calculus.
The biology: ecology and evolution minor provides students with the opportunity to experience both the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of modern biology. The minor explores these areas of ...
Specialize your training in molecular biology, genetics, field techniques, analysis of ecological and evolutionary data, and countless other topics through experiences in the classroom, laboratory, ...
The databases are almost unique in biology in scope; they cover all known species and have begun to accumulate everything known about the world’s species (images, distribution, habitat, ecology, life ...
This page outlines the 2022-23 degree requirements for Ecology and Evolutionary ... for interpreting and critically evaluating data and analyses of data to evaluate hypotheses in ecological and ...