Ultrasonic sounds are high-frequency sound waves that exceed 20,000 hertz, a range far beyond what the human ear can detect.
Two Austin residents moved back into their old homes Saturday after making full recoveries at rehab. Their names were Arlo ...
Bats use high-frequency sound as a tool. With their vocal cords, they bang out short, swift bursts through their nostrils or mouths, molding airwaves and interpreting the pattern changes that ...
To locate and catch prey, insectivorous bats use an acoustic orientation called echolocation. They emit a series of supersonic cries through the mouth or nose and detect flying insects by the echoes ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Research indicates that Southern forests, with their varied stand structures, support healthy bat populations during winter despite the threat of white nose syndrome ...
Ken Neale is a bat expert with Sustainable South Brent ...